New Moon in Aries, Solar Eclipse and Emotional Grace

A symbolic image of a New Moon solar eclipse over a quiet landscape, emphasizing the dark silhouette of the moon covering the sun with a faint solar corona visible. The scene should be tranquil, with subtle illumination from the solar corona casting a mystical glow on sparse clouds and a reflective water body below. This landscape should evoke a sense of calm and new beginnings, ideal for setting the tone of a spiritual New Moon ritual, focusing on transformation and introspection.

New Moon in Aries, Solar Eclipse and Emotional Grace I actively let go of deep-seated ancestral and personal emotions, including anger, rage, grief, and sorrow, that have burdened my spirit and clouded my experiences. These emotions, while once protective or reactionary, no longer serve my journey towards inner peace and empowerment. In consciously releasing these … Read more

Embracing My Inner Heaven

a modern kitchen where a Black woman shaman with locs in a bun is meticulously handling fire lilies, surrounded by fresh and dry herbs and oils, as she prepares a powerful spell. The kitchen is contemporary and organized, featuring modern appliances. The focus is on the woman, radiating strength and wisdom, blending the traditional elements of spell-making with a modern setting.

Embracing My Inner Heaven I find myself contemplating the unique nature of this season. It’s a time when joy and celebration are expected to fill the air, yet, I sense a different rhythm this year. The vibrant energy that usually marks this season feels absent, replaced by a neutral, almost distant ambiance. This unexpected shift … Read more

Blue Flame & Calm Waters

In the foreground, a deep blue candle burns brightly, its flame casting a serene glow over a bowl of saltwater infused with lavender oil and chamomile flowers. Surrounding the bowl are crystals, including amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline, arranged in a harmonious triangle. The background is a mystical landscape at twilight, with a vast ocean and a night sky filled with stars, symbolizing the vastness and depth of emotional healing. The scene is imbued with a sense of magic, passion, and cinematic drama, perfectly encapsulating the energy of a spiritual journey of releasing fear and embracing patience.

Blue Flame & Calm Waters Transcending Fear through Patience I recognize that my difficulty in letting go isn’t about regret. Rather, it’s deeply rooted in a fear of rejection and abandonment, a thread that weaves back to my childhood and stretches through generations. This fear feels like an old, heavy cloak I’ve been carrying around. … Read more

Prayer to Invoke Santa Muerte

A captivating and magical image infused with the energy of a prayer to Santa Muerte. The scene is theatrical, filled with mystical elements like flickering candles, ethereal lights, and symbolic items representing the different aspects of Santa Muerte (such as skulls, marigolds, and a scythe). The atmosphere is imbued with a sense of impenetrability and vivid spirituality, capturing the essence of the prayer.

Prayer to Invoke Santa Muerte I am drawn to an energy that is calling me, a force that connects me to something far greater than myself. In response, I choose a candle, its color deeply symbolic of my current intentions. Today, I reach for a white candle, its purpose clear in my mind: purging old … Read more

Clarity Corner Podcast Premiere

A young light-skinned Black girl with pigtails, viewed from behind, sitting on the floor in a living room, playing with blocks. She is building a Lego house. The living room setting is a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

Clarity Corner Podcast Premiere I am thrilled to announce the premiere of the Clarity Corner podcast! The first episode, I Needed to See Myself, is a heartfelt exploration into my personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. As I explore the integration of all aspects of me, I share stories and insights that have profoundly … Read more

Invocation for Liberation and Alignment

A visual symphony of liberation and alignment, where each color harmonizes to tell a story of inner peace and cosmic connection. The vivid blues and tranquil purples merge, symbolizing the depth of introspection and the serenity of a mind in harmony with the Universe. Bursts of radiant gold and warm yellows signify enlightenment and the release of energies that no longer serve, while the soft greens evoke a sense of renewal and growth. Together, these colors create a flow that captures the essence of breaking free from constraints, embodying the journey from a protective cocoon to the expansive freedom of spiritual awakening.

As I sit down to write this prayer, I’m in a state that feels like a cocoon. It’s a mix of emotions; there’s a comfort in this enclosed space, a sense of security and warmth that wraps around me, offering protection. Yet, there’s this growing urge within me, a longing to break free from what … Read more

Full Harvest Moon in Aries Embrace

In the velvety canvas of the night sky, the Full Harvest Moon glows with an ethereal luminescence, its silver light magnified by the fiery spirit of Aries. Surrounding it is a radiant halo, shimmering with blues and golds, casting a gentle glow over a sacred space below. Here, age-old symbols and potent herbs come alive, each pulsating with vibrant energy. Sandalwood smoke curls upwards in delicate wisps, mingling with the fragrant notes of rosemary and lavender. At the heart of this mystical tableau, a silver taper candle stands tall, its flame dancing fervently, reflecting the potent energies of protection, guidance, and wisdom that permeate the air.

Full Harvest Moon in Aries Embrace A Protection Ritual In this ritual, I focus intently on calling forth the ancient and mysterious energies of the Djinn, seeking their protection, guidance, and wisdom. As I harness the powerful vibrations of the Full Harvest Moon in Aries, I feel a connection deepening with these guardian spirits. This … Read more

Prayer of Wholeness

In a vast expanse of cerulean and indigo, an ethereal figure of a Black Goddess stands, her silhouette radiating brilliant hues of gold and azure. The backdrop is a mesmerizing tapestry of galaxies, stars, and cosmic nebulae, all converging around her, as if drawn by an unseen gravitational pull. Rays of luminescent light emanate from her core, intertwining with the celestial bodies, creating a dance of colors and energies. Cascading around her are shimmering veils of iridescent light, each one capturing the stories, emotions, and whispers of the universe. The very essence of the cosmos seems to breathe, pulse, and intertwine with her being, echoing the eternal song of wholeness, power, and profound love.

Prayer of Wholeness In this very moment, as the weight of transitions envelops me, I feel splinters of energy, remnants of an ancient longing for a companion to walk beside me. These feelings surge, ebbing and flowing, as I grapple with the profound emotions tied to life’s ever-shifting tides. While I stand surrounded by the … Read more

Incantation of Radiant Infusion

On a worn yet cherished wooden table, a majestic cup emanates wisps of steam, each tendril dancing upwards as if infused with ancient magic. The tea inside, a verdant infusion of herbs, sparkles with a shimmer only the spiritual realm can gift. Beyond, through a grand window, the first light of dawn breaks the horizon, casting a radiant tapestry of fiery oranges, soft pinks, and gleaming golds. The sunrise, in its full resplendent glory, bathes the room and the brewing tea in a luminescent glow, creating a scene where the mundane meets the ethereal, and every sip promises a journey through realms both seen and unseen.

Incantation of Radiant Infusion Each morning, as the world awakens, and every evening, as it drifts into slumber, I steep my tea — not just to nourish my body, but to replenish my soul. And in those quiet moments, with steam rising and warmth spreading, I recite this incantation. I do so to weave into … Read more

Season of New Beginnings

In the heart of an enchanted forest, beneath the soft luminescence of a crescent moon, stands a radiant Black woman shaman, a living embodiment of ancestral wisdom and cosmic connection. She emanates an aura of divine energy, her presence entwined with the sacred threads of Oshun, Yemoja, and Venus. With eyes closed, she basks in the gentle embrace of Friday's nurturing energies, as her spirit communes with the unseen realms. Ancestral echoes whisper through her being, guiding her in a dance of restorative renewal. The air around her shimmers with the dance of constellations, each one a vessel of intention and manifestation. Her outstretched arms channel the cosmic currents, ushering in a season of new beginnings and boundless blessings. In this mystical moment, she stands as a conduit between worlds, bridging the realms of healing, growth, and love with the potent magic of her spirit.

Awakening to a Season of New Beginnings and Blessings Within the embrace of this sacred Friday, the nourishing currents of Oshun, Yemoja, and Venus intertwine, their loving energies caressing me like gentle waves. Today, a day bathed in the radiance of birth, I find myself in a state of restful rejuvenation, my physical vessel cradled … Read more