A Timeless Message to Myself

Abstract digital painting featuring a silhouette of a Black woman in a confident pose, surrounded by vibrant swirls of color flowing from her core. The colors blend from deep purples to radiant golds, embodying a spiritual and empowering aura in a surreal style. The image is vivid, with an abstract and spiritual feel, depicting the powerful flow of energy. The scene is dynamic and visually striking, conveying a sense of inner strength and power.

A Timeless Message to Myself This letter serves a dual purpose: to remind me of my inherent worth and to reinforce the timeless nature of my inner power and intuition. I sometimes encounter moments of doubt and uncertainty where my strength and resolve may falter. This letter is a tool designed to anchor me back … Read more

Get Lifted

A serene Black woman sits in a lotus position, surrounded by a golden aura that pulsates with the empowering and loving vibrations of the prayer. She is in a peaceful, sunlit forest, with rays of light filtering through the trees, adding a mystical quality to the scene. Her eyes are closed in deep meditation, and her hair is styled in a crown of natural curls. The golden aura envelops her, symbolizing the protective and healing energy of the prayer. This image captures a sense of inner peace, spiritual power, and connection with nature.

Get Lifted Prayer Purpose Get Lifted is a heartfelt prayer I crafted to uplift and empower my mind, body, and spirit. It is my call to the Divine Spirit to infuse my being with light, love, and healing energy, enabling me to rise above challenges and embrace my inner strength. When I seek solace or courage, … Read more

Blue Flame & Calm Waters

In the foreground, a deep blue candle burns brightly, its flame casting a serene glow over a bowl of saltwater infused with lavender oil and chamomile flowers. Surrounding the bowl are crystals, including amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline, arranged in a harmonious triangle. The background is a mystical landscape at twilight, with a vast ocean and a night sky filled with stars, symbolizing the vastness and depth of emotional healing. The scene is imbued with a sense of magic, passion, and cinematic drama, perfectly encapsulating the energy of a spiritual journey of releasing fear and embracing patience.

Blue Flame & Calm Waters Transcending Fear through Patience I recognize that my difficulty in letting go isn’t about regret. Rather, it’s deeply rooted in a fear of rejection and abandonment, a thread that weaves back to my childhood and stretches through generations. This fear feels like an old, heavy cloak I’ve been carrying around. … Read more

Invocation for Liberation and Alignment

A visual symphony of liberation and alignment, where each color harmonizes to tell a story of inner peace and cosmic connection. The vivid blues and tranquil purples merge, symbolizing the depth of introspection and the serenity of a mind in harmony with the Universe. Bursts of radiant gold and warm yellows signify enlightenment and the release of energies that no longer serve, while the soft greens evoke a sense of renewal and growth. Together, these colors create a flow that captures the essence of breaking free from constraints, embodying the journey from a protective cocoon to the expansive freedom of spiritual awakening.

As I sit down to write this prayer, I’m in a state that feels like a cocoon. It’s a mix of emotions; there’s a comfort in this enclosed space, a sense of security and warmth that wraps around me, offering protection. Yet, there’s this growing urge within me, a longing to break free from what … Read more

Prayer of Wholeness

In a vast expanse of cerulean and indigo, an ethereal figure of a Black Goddess stands, her silhouette radiating brilliant hues of gold and azure. The backdrop is a mesmerizing tapestry of galaxies, stars, and cosmic nebulae, all converging around her, as if drawn by an unseen gravitational pull. Rays of luminescent light emanate from her core, intertwining with the celestial bodies, creating a dance of colors and energies. Cascading around her are shimmering veils of iridescent light, each one capturing the stories, emotions, and whispers of the universe. The very essence of the cosmos seems to breathe, pulse, and intertwine with her being, echoing the eternal song of wholeness, power, and profound love.

Prayer of Wholeness In this very moment, as the weight of transitions envelops me, I feel splinters of energy, remnants of an ancient longing for a companion to walk beside me. These feelings surge, ebbing and flowing, as I grapple with the profound emotions tied to life’s ever-shifting tides. While I stand surrounded by the … Read more

Incantation of Radiant Infusion

On a worn yet cherished wooden table, a majestic cup emanates wisps of steam, each tendril dancing upwards as if infused with ancient magic. The tea inside, a verdant infusion of herbs, sparkles with a shimmer only the spiritual realm can gift. Beyond, through a grand window, the first light of dawn breaks the horizon, casting a radiant tapestry of fiery oranges, soft pinks, and gleaming golds. The sunrise, in its full resplendent glory, bathes the room and the brewing tea in a luminescent glow, creating a scene where the mundane meets the ethereal, and every sip promises a journey through realms both seen and unseen.

Incantation of Radiant Infusion Each morning, as the world awakens, and every evening, as it drifts into slumber, I steep my tea — not just to nourish my body, but to replenish my soul. And in those quiet moments, with steam rising and warmth spreading, I recite this incantation. I do so to weave into … Read more

Empowering Daily Forgiveness Prayer

Amidst a vast cosmic backdrop, radiant galaxies spiral, each one a dance of stars, nebulas, and celestial wonders. A silvery web of interconnected energies spreads throughout, shimmering and pulsating, linking all elements of the cosmos in a harmonious embrace. At the heart, a luminous figure of a Black Goddess stands, arms outstretched, bathed in the iridescent glow of a thousand suns. Shafts of golden light radiate from this central figure, intertwining with the celestial tapestry, releasing dark fragments while attracting vibrant energies. Each beam resonates with the melodies of forgiveness, renewal, and love, creating an aura of impenetrable protection, magic, and boundless possibility.

Empowering Daily Forgiveness Prayer Each dawn heralds an opportunity for renewal. As Shaani, the High Priestess Zela Nimaya Abura, I recognize the paramount importance of cleansing – not just in the tangible sense, but in the realms of the mind, body, spirit, and space. It’s an integral part of my daily ritual, a conscious act … Read more

Celestial Harmony

Amidst the cosmic expanse, a tapestry of energies converges, each strand representing the courage of the lion and the timeless wisdom of the turtle. In the vibrant mosaic of existence, the fierce vitality of the lion's roar merges with the tranquil grace of the turtle's retreat, intertwining like cosmic threads. A celestial harmony resonates as the lion's fiery spirit ignites the canvas of possibilities, while the turtle's patient steps imprint the path with cosmic rhythms. Within this luminous dance, a radiant star casts its benevolent light, guiding the seeker toward the equilibrium of action and repose. It's a portrait of empowerment, a symphony of balance, captured in the embrace of Celestial Harmony on Visionary Whispers.

Beneath the radiant gaze of the Virgo Sun, where Mercury and Venus engage in a cosmic dance of introspection, and the Capricorn Moon casts its illuminating shadow, I stand at the crossroads of celestial energies. The gentle embrace of the Earth element roots me, its nurturing touch a reminder of my innate strength. In this … Read more

Soulful Sunrise

Amidst the delicate hues of dawn, a solitary radiant Black woman figure stands, bathed in the soft embrace of morning light. With arms outstretched, their body weaves intricate patterns, an ethereal dance that channels the essence of empowerment and manifestation. As ancient incantations spill from their lips, a shimmering veil of energy envelops them, weaving an invisible tapestry that threads through the realms of gratitude, protection, and renewal.

Soulful Sunrise Infusing Your Day with Magical Intent As I awaken each morning, I greet the new day with a sense of anticipation, ready to immerse myself in the magical dance of life. I know that the words I speak have the power to shape my reality, to infuse each moment with intention and purpose. … Read more

Energies in Harmony

Amidst a realm bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of twilight, a solitary figure stands with arms outstretched, embracing the celestial canvas above. A cascade of shimmering stardust falls from the heavens, interweaving with vibrant threads of energy that spiral around the figure, cocooning them in a radiant embrace. The air is charged with the resonance of whispered invocations, each word a luminescent glyph that materializes in the luminous atmosphere. An aura of serenity envelops the scene, as the figure's presence becomes a conduit for divine connection, manifesting their intentions as constellations of light that pierce through the tapestry of reality. Amidst the cosmic dance, a profound sense of oneness and empowerment emanates, encapsulating the prayer's essence in an enchanting tableau of magic and possibility.

Energies in Harmony First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius Prayer Amidst the celestial dance, where the Moon of Scorpio whispers secrets to the night and the Sun ushers in the dawn of Virgo’s reign, I stand, a creation of stars and dreams. I am both the whispering winds and the roots that ground me, a symphony … Read more