Growth and Expansion with the Gemini New Moon

The scene is enhanced with soft, ambient lighting, creating a sacred and inviting atmosphere. A Black woman is seen in a peaceful state, connecting with the energy of Oshun and her ancestors as she writes her New Moon in Gemini intentions.

Growth and Expansion with the Gemini New Moon (June 2024) I sit quietly in my sacred space this morning, feeling the anticipation of the New Moon in Gemini. The air around me is charged with whispering promises of growth and expansion. I close my eyes, allowing the magic of this delicious lunar phase surrounding me. … Read more

Get Lifted

A serene Black woman sits in a lotus position, surrounded by a golden aura that pulsates with the empowering and loving vibrations of the prayer. She is in a peaceful, sunlit forest, with rays of light filtering through the trees, adding a mystical quality to the scene. Her eyes are closed in deep meditation, and her hair is styled in a crown of natural curls. The golden aura envelops her, symbolizing the protective and healing energy of the prayer. This image captures a sense of inner peace, spiritual power, and connection with nature.

Get Lifted Prayer Purpose Get Lifted is a heartfelt prayer I crafted to uplift and empower my mind, body, and spirit. It is my call to the Divine Spirit to infuse my being with light, love, and healing energy, enabling me to rise above challenges and embrace my inner strength. When I seek solace or courage, … Read more

The Cold Full Moon in Cancer

An image capturing the frigid yet nourishing energy of winter nature under the Full Moon in Cancer. The scene depicts a winter landscape that is cold and frosty, yet imbued with a sense of nourishment and serene beauty. The Full Moon in Cancer is prominent in the sky, casting a soft, nurturing glow over the landscape. The colors are hues of blue and white, reflecting the coldness of winter with hints of warmth and comfort, symbolizing the nurturing energy of the Cancer Moon.

The Cold Full Moon in Cancer A Chronicle of Renewal As I step outside, my area is wrapped in a serene hush, the kind only a winter night can bring. The air is crisp, each breath a frosty reminder of nature’s dormant state. The trees stand still, their bare branches etched against the dark sky … Read more

Spell to Empower Action and Overcome Reluctance

A serene and focused Black woman, embodying calm and clarity amidst a bustling, chaotic cityscape. She is in the center of the image, surrounded by blurred movements of people and traffic, symbolizing a fast-paced world. The woman is in a meditative pose, eyes closed, exuding an aura of peace and concentration. The contrast between her tranquil demeanor and the dynamic city background illustrates the theme of finding focus in a distracted world.

Spell to Empower Action and Overcome Reluctance In the journey of life, there are times when we encounter tasks that seem daunting or unappealing, yet they are essential for our growth and progress. Often, what stands between us and accomplishing these tasks is not a lack of ability, but a reluctance or resistance within ourselves. … Read more

Blue Flame & Calm Waters

In the foreground, a deep blue candle burns brightly, its flame casting a serene glow over a bowl of saltwater infused with lavender oil and chamomile flowers. Surrounding the bowl are crystals, including amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline, arranged in a harmonious triangle. The background is a mystical landscape at twilight, with a vast ocean and a night sky filled with stars, symbolizing the vastness and depth of emotional healing. The scene is imbued with a sense of magic, passion, and cinematic drama, perfectly encapsulating the energy of a spiritual journey of releasing fear and embracing patience.

Blue Flame & Calm Waters Transcending Fear through Patience I recognize that my difficulty in letting go isn’t about regret. Rather, it’s deeply rooted in a fear of rejection and abandonment, a thread that weaves back to my childhood and stretches through generations. This fear feels like an old, heavy cloak I’ve been carrying around. … Read more

Whispers of the Archer

A mystical, futuristic scene capturing the energy of a New Moon in Sagittarius ritual. The setting is an ethereal, cosmic landscape with a vivid, glowing New Moon in the sky, surrounded by stars and nebulae. In the foreground, a figure resembling a Black woman High Priestess stands, radiating an aura of power and wisdom. She holds a glowing orb that symbolizes the Sagittarius energy, with ethereal flames and arrows of light emanating from it. The scene is imbued with a sense of empowerment, transformation, and a connection to the universe, reflecting a blend of ancient spirituality and futuristic imagery.

Whispers of the Archer New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual Story The New Moon in Sagittarius peaks at 6:32 pm ET on December 12th, 2023. New Moons symbolize new beginnings and are a powerful time for setting intentions and planting seeds for the future. Sagittarius energy is about seeking truth, expansion, and exploring beyond our known … Read more

Empowering Daily Forgiveness Prayer

Amidst a vast cosmic backdrop, radiant galaxies spiral, each one a dance of stars, nebulas, and celestial wonders. A silvery web of interconnected energies spreads throughout, shimmering and pulsating, linking all elements of the cosmos in a harmonious embrace. At the heart, a luminous figure of a Black Goddess stands, arms outstretched, bathed in the iridescent glow of a thousand suns. Shafts of golden light radiate from this central figure, intertwining with the celestial tapestry, releasing dark fragments while attracting vibrant energies. Each beam resonates with the melodies of forgiveness, renewal, and love, creating an aura of impenetrable protection, magic, and boundless possibility.

Empowering Daily Forgiveness Prayer Each dawn heralds an opportunity for renewal. As Shaani, the High Priestess Zela Nimaya Abura, I recognize the paramount importance of cleansing – not just in the tangible sense, but in the realms of the mind, body, spirit, and space. It’s an integral part of my daily ritual, a conscious act … Read more

Soulful Sunrise

Amidst the delicate hues of dawn, a solitary radiant Black woman figure stands, bathed in the soft embrace of morning light. With arms outstretched, their body weaves intricate patterns, an ethereal dance that channels the essence of empowerment and manifestation. As ancient incantations spill from their lips, a shimmering veil of energy envelops them, weaving an invisible tapestry that threads through the realms of gratitude, protection, and renewal.

Soulful Sunrise Infusing Your Day with Magical Intent As I awaken each morning, I greet the new day with a sense of anticipation, ready to immerse myself in the magical dance of life. I know that the words I speak have the power to shape my reality, to infuse each moment with intention and purpose. … Read more