Growth and Expansion with the Gemini New Moon

The scene is enhanced with soft, ambient lighting, creating a sacred and inviting atmosphere. A Black woman is seen in a peaceful state, connecting with the energy of Oshun and her ancestors as she writes her New Moon in Gemini intentions.

Growth and Expansion with the Gemini New Moon (June 2024) I sit quietly in my sacred space this morning, feeling the anticipation of the New Moon in Gemini. The air around me is charged with whispering promises of growth and expansion. I close my eyes, allowing the magic of this delicious lunar phase surrounding me. … Read more

Embracing My Inner Heaven

a modern kitchen where a Black woman shaman with locs in a bun is meticulously handling fire lilies, surrounded by fresh and dry herbs and oils, as she prepares a powerful spell. The kitchen is contemporary and organized, featuring modern appliances. The focus is on the woman, radiating strength and wisdom, blending the traditional elements of spell-making with a modern setting.

Embracing My Inner Heaven I find myself contemplating the unique nature of this season. It’s a time when joy and celebration are expected to fill the air, yet, I sense a different rhythm this year. The vibrant energy that usually marks this season feels absent, replaced by a neutral, almost distant ambiance. This unexpected shift … Read more

Prayer to Invoke Santa Muerte

A captivating and magical image infused with the energy of a prayer to Santa Muerte. The scene is theatrical, filled with mystical elements like flickering candles, ethereal lights, and symbolic items representing the different aspects of Santa Muerte (such as skulls, marigolds, and a scythe). The atmosphere is imbued with a sense of impenetrability and vivid spirituality, capturing the essence of the prayer.

Prayer to Invoke Santa Muerte I am drawn to an energy that is calling me, a force that connects me to something far greater than myself. In response, I choose a candle, its color deeply symbolic of my current intentions. Today, I reach for a white candle, its purpose clear in my mind: purging old … Read more

Whispers of the Archer

A mystical, futuristic scene capturing the energy of a New Moon in Sagittarius ritual. The setting is an ethereal, cosmic landscape with a vivid, glowing New Moon in the sky, surrounded by stars and nebulae. In the foreground, a figure resembling a Black woman High Priestess stands, radiating an aura of power and wisdom. She holds a glowing orb that symbolizes the Sagittarius energy, with ethereal flames and arrows of light emanating from it. The scene is imbued with a sense of empowerment, transformation, and a connection to the universe, reflecting a blend of ancient spirituality and futuristic imagery.

Whispers of the Archer New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual Story The New Moon in Sagittarius peaks at 6:32 pm ET on December 12th, 2023. New Moons symbolize new beginnings and are a powerful time for setting intentions and planting seeds for the future. Sagittarius energy is about seeking truth, expansion, and exploring beyond our known … Read more