Super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual for Letting Go

Beneath the Super Blue Full Moon's silver glow, ethereal mermaids swim gracefully in a crystal-clear ocean. Their tails shimmer with deep violet and blue hues as they dance in harmony with the tides. The Moon's light reflects on the water, creating a magical ambiance. The mermaids' eyes hold wisdom and magic, their presence invoking the flow of water and emotional release. The horizon glows with Moonlight, blending the ocean and sky into one mystical scene.

A Super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual for Letting Go The Power of the Super Blue Sturgeon Full Moon In this ritual story, I explore a different kind of spiritual walk—one that is deeply rooted in connection with my ancestors and the divine energies that flow around me. Unlike some of my other rituals … Read more

New Moon in Leo Ritual for Courage and Passion

An empowering, magical and sensual silhouette of a Black woman in a blissful state, surrounded by hues of Leo energies. The background features warm, golden, and vibrant tones, creating an atmosphere of empowerment and tranquility.

A New Moon in Leo Ritual for Courage and Passion Unleashing Inner Strength As the New Moon in Leo peaks today, I feel the powerful energies of courage, determination, and passion stirring within me. I know this is the perfect time to connect with my inner strength and let my radiant love shine out to … Read more

Breath of Prosperity

A close-up of a mortar and pestle with a mix of cinnamon, bay leaves, basil, and ginger. The herbs are vibrant and freshly ground, their aromas almost tangible, representing the potent blend of intentions for wealth, protection, love, and vitality. The setting is a cozy kitchen with warm lighting, emphasizing the ritual's importance.

Breath of Prosperity A Ritual of Abundance Purpose To attract exponential expansion in prosperity across all facets of life, including self-development, spiritual growth, personal wellbeing, health, family, platonic and intimate relationships, career advancement, business success, financial wealth, and investments. This ritual, performed at the beginning of the month, harnesses the fresh energy of a new … Read more

Alchemizing Bitterness

A serene scene of a Black woman sitting cross-legged in a tranquil forest, bathed in a warm, golden light that streams through the trees. She is surrounded by a soft, ethereal glow, symbolizing the energy of the Universe flowing through her, guiding her with love and wisdom. The overall atmosphere is peaceful and magical.

Alchemizing Bitterness An Empowering Ritual of Transformation This ritual story is designed to transform the bitterness that arises in my life, especially when I feel unseen, unappreciated, or undervalued. Bitterness, in this context, represents the emotional discomfort and obstacles that manifest when my true self is not recognized by others. Without awareness, intention, and the … Read more

Embracing the Full Buck Moon

A captivating and magical scene with Yemaya as a beautiful body of water, her form made of vibrant, swirling blue waves embracing a magical Black woman with locs in a bun. The woman is evolving and releasing old energies that no longer serve her, surrounded by glowing orbs of light symbolizing transformation and renewal. The background features a serene night sky filled with stars.

Embracing the Full Buck Moon A Ritual for Releasing Doubt, Control, and Judgement with Yemaya While the Full Buck Moon peaks in the sky, I stand in the warmth of flickering blue and white candles. Their light dances around me, casting gentle shadows on the walls, creating a sanctuary where I can connect deeply with … Read more

Growth and Expansion with the Gemini New Moon

The scene is enhanced with soft, ambient lighting, creating a sacred and inviting atmosphere. A Black woman is seen in a peaceful state, connecting with the energy of Oshun and her ancestors as she writes her New Moon in Gemini intentions.

Growth and Expansion with the Gemini New Moon (June 2024) I sit quietly in my sacred space this morning, feeling the anticipation of the New Moon in Gemini. The air around me is charged with whispering promises of growth and expansion. I close my eyes, allowing the magic of this delicious lunar phase surrounding me. … Read more

New Moon in Aries, Solar Eclipse and Emotional Grace

A symbolic image of a New Moon solar eclipse over a quiet landscape, emphasizing the dark silhouette of the moon covering the sun with a faint solar corona visible. The scene should be tranquil, with subtle illumination from the solar corona casting a mystical glow on sparse clouds and a reflective water body below. This landscape should evoke a sense of calm and new beginnings, ideal for setting the tone of a spiritual New Moon ritual, focusing on transformation and introspection.

New Moon in Aries, Solar Eclipse and Emotional Grace I actively let go of deep-seated ancestral and personal emotions, including anger, rage, grief, and sorrow, that have burdened my spirit and clouded my experiences. These emotions, while once protective or reactionary, no longer serve my journey towards inner peace and empowerment. In consciously releasing these … Read more

The Cold Full Moon in Cancer

An image capturing the frigid yet nourishing energy of winter nature under the Full Moon in Cancer. The scene depicts a winter landscape that is cold and frosty, yet imbued with a sense of nourishment and serene beauty. The Full Moon in Cancer is prominent in the sky, casting a soft, nurturing glow over the landscape. The colors are hues of blue and white, reflecting the coldness of winter with hints of warmth and comfort, symbolizing the nurturing energy of the Cancer Moon.

The Cold Full Moon in Cancer A Chronicle of Renewal As I step outside, my area is wrapped in a serene hush, the kind only a winter night can bring. The air is crisp, each breath a frosty reminder of nature’s dormant state. The trees stand still, their bare branches etched against the dark sky … Read more

Embracing My Inner Heaven

a modern kitchen where a Black woman shaman with locs in a bun is meticulously handling fire lilies, surrounded by fresh and dry herbs and oils, as she prepares a powerful spell. The kitchen is contemporary and organized, featuring modern appliances. The focus is on the woman, radiating strength and wisdom, blending the traditional elements of spell-making with a modern setting.

Embracing My Inner Heaven I find myself contemplating the unique nature of this season. It’s a time when joy and celebration are expected to fill the air, yet, I sense a different rhythm this year. The vibrant energy that usually marks this season feels absent, replaced by a neutral, almost distant ambiance. This unexpected shift … Read more

Blue Flame & Calm Waters

In the foreground, a deep blue candle burns brightly, its flame casting a serene glow over a bowl of saltwater infused with lavender oil and chamomile flowers. Surrounding the bowl are crystals, including amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline, arranged in a harmonious triangle. The background is a mystical landscape at twilight, with a vast ocean and a night sky filled with stars, symbolizing the vastness and depth of emotional healing. The scene is imbued with a sense of magic, passion, and cinematic drama, perfectly encapsulating the energy of a spiritual journey of releasing fear and embracing patience.

Blue Flame & Calm Waters Transcending Fear through Patience I recognize that my difficulty in letting go isn’t about regret. Rather, it’s deeply rooted in a fear of rejection and abandonment, a thread that weaves back to my childhood and stretches through generations. This fear feels like an old, heavy cloak I’ve been carrying around. … Read more